Please provide the following information to customize Chatty for your complex!
DO NOT take maintenance requests the old way! Let Chatty show you her stuff!
Now follow the instructions below and fill out the form, hit the Submit button and meet Chatty - your new BFF!
Below you will see the Appliance List currently installed in Chatty for your tenants to choose from when asking for maintenance. Please review the list, and then go to the question Add or remove appliances below to write us to add or delete appliances. For example:
Question: Add or remove appliances: You write in the form, "Add washer and dryer. Delete microwave." This would let us know you provide the washer and dryer for the tenant, but not a microwave.
APPLIANCES: Below are the Appliances currently listed in your chatbot:
On the form we have a place to "List your approved plumber." IF a tenant has a plumbing problem they are required to fix themselves, like drain clogs, you can list the plumber's company name and contact information directly in Chatty for the tenant to call. You don't get that phone call, but you do get a record that the tenant called one.