1. Proprietary Information

            The Company provides automated marketing services to businesses and individuals.

The systems and processes the Company uses are proprietary and confidential. Such confidentiality is mandatory to maintain the Company’s position and market share in the industry. Any disclosure, revealing or discussing of the Company’s operations, systems and/or methods by an Independent Representative will result in immediate termination of such Independent Representative, forfeiture of future residual payments, and criminal prosecution.


2. Appearance

            Independent Representative shall maintain a professional appearance and dress code

when engaged in selling Company services. This shall include a neat, well-groomed appearance; no clothing with any controversial or inappropriate writing or images on it; no “flip-flops”. Remember that as an Independent Representative you are selling our product but are operating your own business. The more professional you are in appearance and conduct, the more successful you will be.


3. Paperwork & records

            Each Independent Representative is required to complete the enrollment forms at and to maintain accurate, up-to-date information.


The following forms must be completed and delivered to CHATTYMATIC prior to any payment(s) to an Independent Representative for sales:


            W-9 form


            I-9 form              


            Direct deposit (optional)           




4. Territory

            Each Independent Representative will be assigned a territory defined by city. The territory is NOT protected or exclusive to the Independent Representative. The Company will assign Independent Representatives to each city or area based on population. Larger cities will be assigned one Independent Representative per 200,000 population, as a general guideline.


5. Quota

            Our success is directly tied to your success. Any Independent Representative who is not succeeding in sales of Company services will be notified that their position has been   deemed probationary. Continued lack of success will result in a new Independent Representative being assigned to the territory.


6. Termination

            1. Violation of the provisions of clause 1 above shall result in:

A. Immediate termination of the Independent Representative Agreement

                        B. Forfeiture of all residual payments

                        C. Criminal prosecution

            2. Any other separation, at Company’s election or Independent Representative’s

election, shall not result in forfeiture of residual payments. Independent Representative is responsible for maintaining accurate delivery information for residual payments.


7. Non-compete & Non-disclosure

In the event this Agreement is terminated by either party, Independent Representative     SHALL NOT engage in any competitive endeavor that conflicts with the Company’s business AND/OR disclose to anyone any business information of CHATTYMATIC for a period of TWENTY-FOUR (24) MONTHS from termination date. Termination of this             Agreement must be provided in writing to the other party.


This prohibition applies to the Independent Representative personally, and/or as an officer or member, director, manager, partner, agent, consultant, employee or participant in any entity or company that is engaged in automated marketing.


8. Customer retention

All Independent Representatives are encouraged to follow-up regularly with customers they have sold to. The residual money made in this business is extremely valuable for success. Follow-up with existing clients to get input and feedback as to how the services can be improved. Follow-up with clients that discontinue the service to see how their business can be recovered or retained. Build relationships that insure your success.


9. Marketing

The company provides a variety of service products to a wide range of business types.

Almost everyone you encounter is a prospect! The opportunities are virtually endless. Independent Representatives are required to follow directives on marketing timing but are otherwise free to market any and all services through-out their territory and in other areas as well, as they become available.


10. Compensation rates:

            All sales compensation rates for all services adhere to the following:

                        A. The amount of the first monthly payment is paid to the Independent Representative

                        B. 20% of each monthly payment is paid to the Independent Representative.        

                        C. Setup fees are not included in Independent Representative compensations.


            1. Apartment Advantage Program

                        A. Maintenance Program                               - $  99.00 per month              

                        B. Prospect Advertising Program                   - $199.00 per month

                        C. Social Media Management                        - $299.00 per month

                        D. Anniversary Retention Package                - $  99.00 per month


            2. Subsequent Services

                        A. Realtor Advantage Program

                        B. Build My Brand Program

                        C. Restaurant Advantage Program

                        D. Facebook Advertising Program

                        E. Service Industry Program

                        F. Product Sales Program

                        G. “BOOST” Marketing Calendar      


11. Pay Periods & Methods

1. Compensation payments are distributed to Independent Representatives 2 times per

            calendar month – on the 1st and on the 15th.

2. Accounting cut-off for compensation payments is three (3) days prior to each “pay


3. Compensation payments for residuals are paid with the regular compensation                                      payments on the 15th of each month.

4. Compensation payments are made via funds direct-deposited to the Independent

            Representative’s bank account. You may elect to receive paper checks via first    class mail.

5. Independent Representatives are classified as “independent contractors” by the IRS.

            As such, CHATTYMATIC does not withhold employment taxes. Each Independent Representative will receive commissions in full and are responsible               for their own taxes to which they may be liable for.


12. Marketing Materials

            All Independent Representatives receive their own personal code. This code is the new digital “business card”. Having prospects scan your personal code introduces them to the power of what you are selling and builds your brand. Have people scan it everywhere you go!


13. Disclaimer  While this is a remarkable opportunity, CHATTYMATIC cannot and expressly does not make any guarantee of earnings. Success in this endeavor is based upon (1) knowledge and understanding of the services offered; (2) individual skill and effort.


            CHATTYMATIC expressly declines any liability or responsibility for the action(s), or lack of action(s) by any individual, person, company, agent or entity, over which CHATTYMATIC does not have direct control. 


14. Modification  These guidelines may be added to and/or amended as needed.